I've been away for a while...and I have no good excuses for it...especially since writing a blog only takes a few minutes a day! My apologies.
What's new with me....
I've been working a grown-up job! In an OFFICE! weirddddd O_O I work at Cannes Lions...You know, like the film festival in France?...except I work for the advertising festival that follows the film festival. It's not the most exciting job...but they let me wear whatever I want...which is a huge bonus. Today I've rocked up in my skinny jeans...baggy burger tee and gold chain :)
My Desk
I get bored sometimes~ haha Also, I get to go to Cannes to work at the festival, expenses paid! Will be a lot of work, but I'm sure it will be very fun as well. It's nice to have a job with some perks...or else, what's the point??
That's all I have for you at the moment. But TO MY READERS IN CANNES, FRANCE....any advice on where to go? Interesting places and hot spots? :) Please let me know!