So there's an uprising occurring in North London at the moment. Started in Tottenham, Enfield, and now in Wood Green.
From MSN News:
"Crowds attacked riot police and set cars, homes and shops alight in the London borough of Tottenham on Saturday night. The disturbances followed a protest at the fatal shooting of a man by armed officers earlier in the week."
Shops and houses getting burned and burgled, windows smashed.
I just went walking up to Wood Green to watch a film at Cineworld and the whole road is closed off (not to mention the cinema...plans for the evening RUINED!). Almost every shop has smashed windows. Many of them have boards covering the damage and signs explaining why they are closed.
I saw some jewellery shop owners putting extra metal shutters on their shops.

What is going on with people!? If anyone has any more information on the matter, please comment! I think some serious anger management is needed!