Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Pink Hair Everywhere!

If you haven't noticed this fluorescent phenomenon, then you must have been living under a rock for the past few years as it is everywhere.

Music celebs seem to be trying harder and harder to grab our attention and keep us interested. One way of doing this is by having some sort of shock factor. One of the biggest trends at the moment is looking as far out and artificial as possible. An easy, and effective way of achieving this? How about a pink wig?

Nicki Minaj firmly setting herself into a Barbie Doll look with her bubble gum pink wigs. She's gotta look as Barbie-tastic as possible for her fans, also known as "Barbs".

This lavender wig doesn't have nearly as much of a shock factor as her meat dress, but Lady Gaga still falls into this trend.

In the past, she has sported an electric blue wig, but it seems Katy Perry has traded it in for a bit of pink.

Jessie J seems to rotate between blue, purple and black wigs.

Rihanna's gone for red

Britney ... That's all I have to say about that.

And let's not forget the original Pink herself starting the trend back in 2000!



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